Vladia Lartey
Vladia Lartey
Kindergarten French Teacher
Welcome to Kindergarten! We are about to embark on an amazing journey together, and I am thrilled to be your child’s French teacher this year. I look forward to getting to know your child and collaborating with you.
I hold a master's degree and am certified to teach French K-12. In my leisure time, I enjoy reading books about Eastern religions, meditating, and practicing breathing exercises daily. I also love cooking, traveling, gardening, and singing.
Bonnie Wohl
Kindergarten French Paraprofessional
Bonjour tout le monde! My name is Bonnie Wohl, and I will be the kindergarten paraprofessional for the Knd French classes, working with Madame Lartey. I have a bachelor's in French and psychology from University of Georgia. I am excited to be working at ICSAtlanta and am looking forward to getting to know you this school year!

Lartey Homeroom Rotation Schedule

Ms. Lartey's Amazon Wish :List